Governance publications

Access the governance publications of North East Museums (formerly Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums), including organisational policies, business plans, financial statements and impact reports.


Use the links below to download our organisational policies

Acquisitions and Disposal Policy: Archives (PDF, 787 KB)

Anti-Corruption Policy (PDF, 360 KB)

Archives Charging Policy 2022 (PDF, 595 KB)

Archives Collections Information Policy 2022 (PDF, 765 KB)

Breastfeeding commitment (Word, 252 KB)

Business Continuity Management Plan (PDF, 699 KB)

Care of Working Collection Objects Policy (PDF, 323 KB)

Collections Development Policy for Museums and Galleries (PDF, 492 KB)

Collections Care and Conservation Policy (PDF, 230 KB)

Confidential Reporting Policy (PDF, 250 KB)

Documentation Policy (PDF, 277 KB)

Environmental Policy (PDF, 144 KB)

Ethics Policy (PDF, 516 KB)

Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (PDF, 487 KB)

Exhibition Policy and Procedure (PDF, 654 KB)

Filming and Photography guidance (PDF, 335 KB)

Great North Museum Acquisition and Disposal Policy (PDF, 347 KB)

Great North Museum Archaeology Archives Deposition Policy (PDF, 561 KB)

Great North Museum Human Remains Research Access Policy (Word, 38 KB)

Great North Museum Policy for the Care of Human Remains (PDF, 195 KB)

Great North Museum Repatriation Policy (PDF, 459 KB)

Great North Museum Sacred Objects Policy (PDF, 465 KB)

Health & Safety Policy (PDF, 181 KB)

Interests and Gifts and Hospitality Policy (Word, 321 KB) 

Online Safeguarding Policy (PDF, 393 KB)

Research Code of Practice (PDF, 52 KB)

Reserves Strategy (Word, 297 KB)

Risk Management Framework (Word, 446 KB)

Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding of Children, Young People and Adults at risk (PDF, 988 KB)

Significant Partnerships Code of Practice (PDF, 371 KB)

Value for Money Strategy (PDF, 222 KB)

Volunteer Policy (PDF, 153 KB)

Business Plan

North East Museums' (formerly Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums) Business Plan sets out 10 key activity areas which will enable us deliver our overall mission and objectives. It describes the planned outcomes for each of these areas, how we will measure them and by when.

It also outlines the organisational changes we will make, as well as a summary of our key budget information.  

The business plan has been generated in consultation with our key funders and client bodies and approved by our Strategic Board.

Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Business Plan 2023-26 (PDF, 595 KB)

Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Business plan 2022-23 (PDF, 1 MB)

Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Business plan 2021-22 (PDF, 872 KB)

Impact Report

The Impact Report is a review of last year. It contains highlights of the work carried out at each venue and across our programmes, as well as information about how we are funded.

North East Museums Impact Report 2023/24 (PDF, 10.8MB)

Commitee documents

North East Museums is governed by a Strategic Board and a Finance, Audit and Risk Committee. Below you can access their reports and minutes.

Strategic Board

Our Strategic Board reports and minutes are available to download from the Newcastle City Council website:

TWAM Strategic Board

TWAM GP Sub-Committee

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

North East Museums Finance, Audit and Risk Committee reports and minutes can be downloaded from the Newcastle City Council website:

TWAM Finance, Audit and Risk Committee