Governance arrangements

Explore the governance arrangements of North East Museums to understand how its boards, committees and companies work together to achieve effective leadership, oversight and development.

Governance structure

Chart showing the governance arrangements of North East Museums. Available as plain text below.

Joint Agreement

North East Museums (formerly Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums) is a joint service of the four local authorities on Tyneside: Newcastle (which acts as lead authority and legal body), South Tyneside, North Tyneside, and Gateshead, with additional support and contributions from Arts Council England (ACE). North East Museums has separate agreements with Sunderland City Council to manage its archives and with Newcastle University, to manage the Great North Museum: Hancock and Hatton Gallery.

The relationship between, and commitment of, the partners is enshrined in the Joint Agreement. The Joint Agreement lays out the terms and conditions of the relationship and the involvement of central government.

Download the Joint Agreement 2017-2027 (PDF, 2.54 MB)

Strategic Board

Policy and decision making is undertaken by the Strategic Board and key decisions are outlined in the Business Plan. A considerable degree of consultation takes place about budget priorities and budget proposals, which shapes the budget decisions that are made.

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

North East Museums has also established a Finance, Audit and Risk Committee which is separate from the Strategic Board. It includes an independent chair and vice-chair. The Finance, Audit and Risk Committee provides an essential challenge, monitoring and scrutiny role in relation to governance and internal control issues, helping to provide assurance and the early identification and resolution of weaknesses in arrangements.

The Strategic Board has delegated certain responsibilities to the Director, which are set out in the Financial Handbook.

Development Trust

North East Museums is also supported by the Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Development Trust, which was established on 1 December 2010 to raise funds from individual donors, trusts and foundations to support a wide variety of archives and museum activities. 

Over the years the Trust's predecessor, the Tyne & Wear Museums Development Trust helped to raise more than £1.5 million from charitable sources for a wide range of museum activities.

TWAM Enterprises Ltd

The Trading Company, TWAM Enterprises Ltd (Company number 10940488) was established on 1 May 2018 following a major review of North East Museum's governance structures. Its purpose is to allow North East Museums to capitalise on the expertise it has already developed in relation to commercial activity by assuming responsibility for activity previously delivered through North East Museum's trading team, including retail operation, venue hire and catering. It will donate/gift aid its profit to TWAM Development Trust to further North East Museum's charitable objectives.

The company limited by shares is wholly owned by the five ‘partners’; Gateshead Council, Newcastle City Council, North Tyneside Council, South Tyneside Council and the University of Newcastle.

Exhibitions by TWAM Ltd

Exhibitions by TWAM Ltd (Company number 12106351) was established on 1 September 2020 to manage all exhibition production activities for North East Museums. The company, limited by guarantee is wholly owned by Newcastle City Council. The company will donate its profit to TWAM Development Trust to further North East Museum's charitable objectives. North East Museums produces approximately 35-40 exhibitions per year across its nine venues. These vary greatly in scale, subject matter and target audiences.

Strategic Board

North East Museums is governed by a Strategic Board which comprises between six and 11 members. Each Council in Tyneside provides one member from amongst its elected members, Newcastle University appoints one member, each year two different councils appoint one additional member each and there are up to four additional members who are independent appointments.

The Strategic Board meets a minimum of four times a year and the annual meeting is in June. The Chair is appointed for a term of three years and is an independent appointee. The vice-chair is appointed annually from amongst the elected members.

The Strategic Board was created to enable North East Museums to explore new ways of working and engage with a wider sector; and to ensure a sustainable, resilient and positive future for North East Museums, particularly in light of significant reduction in public sector funding.

Objectives and responsibilities

The Strategic Board’s key objective is to administer, maintain and develop North East Museums.

More specifically, the Strategic Board is responsible for:

  • developing a strategic focus to drive growth;
  • providing scrutiny and leadership, democratic accountability, and enterprise support and challenge to North East Museums and its executive team;
  • overseeing the overall governance and strategic leadership of North East Museums in accordance with its mission and objectives;
  • ensuring North East Museums continuing financial viability and long term sustainability including by supporting it to take advantage of new opportunities (notably in relation to generating income from commercial and philanthropic sources);
  • ensuring North East Museums is making effective use of its assets, services and resources to support its museum and archive activities;
  • ensuring North East Museums is delivering against Constituent Council and University priorities; and
  • ensuring North East Museums is recognising the diversity and meeting the needs of its users and communities.

Strategic Board membership

The 2024/25 membership is as follows:

Chair: Chris Mullin

Vice Chair: Cllr Angela Douglas and Cllr Julie Cruddas

Member Substitute
Gateshead Council Cllr Angela DouglasVacancy
Newcastle City CouncilCllr Abdul SamadCllr Teresa Cairns
North Tyneside CouncilCllr Julie CruddasCllr Tommy Mulvenna and Cllr Louise Marshall
South Tyneside CouncilCllr Judith Taylor
Cllr Joyce Welsh
Newcastle UniversityProfessor Jane Robinson-
Independent MemberSarah Green-
Independent MemberJonathan Blackie-
Rotating MemberCllr Linda Wright (Newcastle)
Rotating MemberCllr George Kasfikis (Gateshead)

Strategic Board papers and Terms of Reference

North East Museums Strategic Board reports and minutes can be downloaded from the Newcastle City Council website.

Strategic Board Terms of Reference (PDF, 189 KB).

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

The North East Museums Finance, Audit and Risk Committee is independent from the Strategic Board. It was established in 2006 and provides independent assurance on the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated governance and control environment, independent scrutiny of North East Museums' financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects North East Museums' exposure to risk and weakens the control environment, and oversees the financial reporting process.

The Finance, Audit and Risk Committee has an independent chair and vice-chair, who were appointed following the publication of a statutory notice. The appointment is for a four year period, with the option to renew for a further four years. The scope of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee's work is defined in its Terms of Reference and encompasses all the assurance needs of the Strategic Board and the Director.

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee membership

The 2024/25 membership is as follows:

Chair: Richard Gregory

Vice-Chair: Laura Donelly

Strategic Board MemberCllr George Kasfikis
Strategic Board MemberVacancy
Independent Member
Richard Gregory (Chair)
Independent MemberLaura Donelly (Vice-Chair)
Independent Member
Adam Morton

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee papers

North East Museums Finance, Audit and Risk Committee reports and meeting minutes can be downloaded from the Newcastle City Council website.

Development Trust

The Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Development Trust (The Trust) was established on 1 December 2010 and is registered as a company limited by guarantee number 7334262 and is registered with the Charity Commission under charity number 1137867.


The current Trustees are:

  • Philip Kite - Chair
  • Christine Holland
  • Anna McCready
  • Charlotte Windebank
  • John Holmes
  • Professor Jane Robinson


The objectives of the Trust are:

  • To advance the education of the public (particularly, but not limited to those within, the metropolitan county of Tyne & Wear) by encouraging them to participate in and contribute to the activities of an archive and museum service managed by North East Museums and to value it for the positive impact that it makes upon their lives
  • To advance art, culture, heritage and science by supporting North East Museums to establish and maintain a world class archive and museum service that is accessible and enlightening
  • To contribute to the advancement of civic responsibility and good citizenship by supporting North East Museums to help to equip people with the capacity to understand and operate successfully in society
  • Such other charitable purpose beneficial to the community consistent with the Objects above as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine.

The Trust carries out its objectives by raising funds from individual donors, trust and foundations to support a wide variety of museum activities including:

  • Exhibitions and displays
  • Capital improvements
  • Cataloguing
  • Acquiring objects for the collection
  • Conservation and restoration work
  • Learning programmes
  • Outreach projects with all sections of the community

By supporting activities like these, the Trust is able to help North East Museums achieve its strategic vision of ensuring everyone has access to museum provision, are able to use this access and to value it for the significant and positive impact that it makes upon their lives.

Annual Report and Accounts

The following links will take you to the unaudited accounts for the last three years.

TWAM Development Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2022/23 (PDF, 720 KB)

TWAM Development Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 (PDF, 1.46 MB)

TWAM Development Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21 (PDF, 2.57 MB)

Copies of further Annual Reports and Accounts can be obtained by contacting the Corporate Governance team.

Privacy notice

View the TWAM Development Trust privacy notice.

The notice provides information about what personal information we collect from you, how and why it is collected, when and with whom it might be shared, and how long it will be kept. It also provides information on your rights to decide how it might be used, how you can access it, require it to be deleted and corrected and your rights to complain.

Business partnerships

Find out more about how we can connect businesses to millions of people via our venues and online by downloading our Business Partners Brochure (PDF, 2.94 MB) or read more about partnering with North East Museums, the largest cultural collective in the North East.

TWAM Enterprises

The Trading Company, TWAM Enterprises Ltd (company number 10940488) was established on 1 May 2018 following a major review of TWAM’s governance structures. Its purpose is to undertake commercial and enterprise activity to increase self-generated income.

TWAM Enterprises will allow North East Museums to capitalise on the expertise it has already developed in relation to commercial activity which has resulted in a significant increase in self-generated income and is seeing North East Museums recognised nationally for its entrepreneurial work. 

TWAM Enterprises will build on this success and create further growth. From 1 May 2018 it assumed responsibility for activity previously delivered through North East Museums' trading team including the retail operation, venue hire and catering. 

The company, limited by shares, is wholly owned by the five ‘partners’; Gateshead Council, Newcastle City Council, North Tyneside Council, South Tyneside Council and Newcastle University.

Company directors

The current directors are:

  • Geoff Hodgson (Chair)
  • Cllr Angela Douglas
  • Keith Merrin
  • Jackie Reynolds
  • Nicola Short
  • Amy James.

Privacy notice

View the TWAM Enterprises Ltd privacy notice.

The notice provides information about what personal information we collect from you, how and why it is collected, when and with whom it might be shared, and how long it will be kept. It also provides information on your rights to decide how it might be used, how you can access it, require it to be deleted and corrected and your rights to complain.

Health and safety policy

Download the TWAM Enterprises Ltd health and safety policy (PDF, 194 KB).

The policy lays down our aims to protect the health and safety of all users of services, all members of the public exposed to activities, all employees and all other persons who work on or visit premises.

Exhibitions by TWAM

Exhibitions by TWAM Ltd (company number 12106351) has been established to manage all exhibition production activities for North East Museums. The company, limited by guarantee, commenced trading on 1 September 2020, and is wholly owned by Newcastle City Council. The company will donate its profit to TWAM Development Trust to further North East Museums' charitable objectives. 

North East Museums' produces approximately 35-40 exhibitions per year across its nine venues. These vary greatly in scale, subject matter and target audiences. 

Company directors

  • Geoff Hodgson
  • Cllr Angela Douglas
  • Keith Merrin
  • Jackie Reynolds

Health and safety policy

View the Exhibitions by TWAM Ltd health and safety policy (PDF, 336 KB).

The policy lays down our aims to protect the health and safety of all users of services, all members of the public exposed to activities, all employees and all other persons who work on or visit premises.

Governance Assurance

As a governing body the Strategic Board demonstrates a willingness and ability to act in the best interest of the stakeholders of North East Museums (formerly Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums).

North East Museums is responsible for ensuring that its business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and used economically, efficiently and effectively.

Purpose of Governance

At North East Museums we believe that the fundamental requirements of good governance are: accountability, transparency, lawfulness, responsiveness, equity and inclusivity, effectiveness and efficiency and a participatory approach.

Governance Framework

Diagram showing governance framework at North East Museums.

Leadership and Management

North East Museums has an effective management structure which takes collective responsibility for the long-term success of the organisation. There is an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge of North East Museums to enable duties and responsibilities to be discharged successfully. North East Museums' Assurance Framework (PPTX, 57 KB) defines and documents the roles and responsibilities of the Strategic Board, Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and officer functions, with clear delegation arrangements and protocols for effective communication.

Scrutiny and Governance

North East Museums has adopted an assurance framework designed to give sufficient, continuous and reliable assurance on the stewardship of North East Museums, the management of its major risks to organisational success and the delivery of improved, cost-effective public service.


North East Museums establishes clear channels of communication with all sections of the community and other stakeholders, through a variety of channels, encouraging open and meaningful consultation and ensuring accountability. 


North East Museums has a clear mission and a vision. Impact is measured via Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, publication of KPIs and achievement of objectives.

Assurance Framework

This diagram explains the governance arrangement process for North East Museums (PPTX, 57 KB)


The Governance and internal control environment provides reasonable and objective assurance that any significant risks impacting on the achievement of North East Museums' principal objectives are identified and actions taken to avoid or mitigate their impact.